Runescape News: Two More Weeks of RuneScape at Lower Price!

Usfine Data: Oct/04/13 12:49:08 Visualizzazioni: 3837

When RuneScape HD launched early this month, we released a newspost about the planned price change for new subscribers. We would like to remind you of that price change.

For new subscribers becoming members on or after the 18th August, the monthly cost of RuneScape membership will increase by 30p in the UK, $0.95 in the US and by similar amounts in other currencies. These examples are of increases on credit card prices - all other payment types will increase by a similar margin.

If you have an existing subscription (or you set up a subscription before the 18th August) this price change will not affect you. You will continue to pay the lower price for as long as you keep your membership valid.

If you are an existing member and you allow your membership to lapse for more than two weeks (after the 18th of August), you will be charged the new rate when you re-subscribe.

You may have noticed that the date of the price increase has changed from the 4th to the 18th of August. We have delayed the date to allow new and free players more time to take advantage of our lower membership cost. So, if you're a free player who is considering signing up to the larger, regularly-updated and fullscreen members' game, then click here to find out how to subscribe at this lower rate.

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