RuneScape Magic Training Guide

Usfine Data: Oct/04/13 12:46:59 Visualizzazioni: 3697
This guide tells you a good way to get magic level up for free players on RuneScape. by Percy Jackson,
I would like to welcome everyone to this guide I have also made a good Runescape guide and a guide called Runescape Range Guide and Runescape Melee training guide.First you will need as all the elemental staffs. Next, you will need mind runes. Now head down to Runescape training arena in Lumbridge and attack magic dummy with magic because you will get full xp do this until you can use at least earth bolt and go to Fist of Guthix and fight there because you get fee runes. Do this until you have got 43 magic. Then go and mine coal and iron. Take a fire staff and many nature runes with you. Now mine supplies and superheat steel and sell steel. Do this because you get mage xp and smithing xp. Do this with with mith and addy too. You can get awesome money and xp of doing this. Other good mage training is killing lesser demons in Wizards Tower.

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