Runescape Guide to Range/2h Pure
So you want to completely dominate the wilderness? Do you want to make a pure so you can make lots of money and have lots of complete ownage? Look no further, this guide will give you a complete walkthrough on how to make, use and fabricate the perfect range/2h pure
Early Days
So, first make yourself an account. The name of a pure is very important, and one which is intimidating and original is suggested. If your name is taken try adding another space, or maybe x,I,l into your name.
Eg. Range____KO, x_Range_KO_x, I_range_k0_I, etc
Now that you have made your account you must train it. Head straight to monks monastery, and equip yourself with - power ammy, short bow, iron arrows and full leather. Keep in your inventory oak short, willow short, maple short, 100 steels, 200 miths, 300 addys, Green D'hide vams, Green D'hide chaps and studded chaps. This is the fastest way to level in F2p, and if it's a bit too expensive for you try to use steel. Attack the monks, and when you and on low hp talk to them and ask them to heald you. It should only take you around 1-2 hours to get to 40 range.
Up up UP the range goes
First off you buy 2-3k miths. You will be using these to train as they are relatively powerful and cheap.
From 40-60 range, you train at the Barbarian Village Hall, or if you need money (slower way), then train at hill giants.
This should take a few hours, so be patient.
From 60-70 range, buying another 1k mith, and head to karajama. Go to the safe spot near the lesser demons and kill lesser. This should take from 2-3 hours, and remember to bring a full lob pack.
Yay Str!
After all this hard training (Few days) you should be 70 range, 49 cb. Get yourself str ammy, iron scim, steel scim, black scim, mith scim, addy scim and rune scim. Now head back to good old monks =)
First train attack to 30, this will take around 1 hour. The reason you get 30 first up and not 40 is because it will be a good fallback not to accidentally train attack levels.
Now train strength to 50. Bring decent food and to to Alkharid. The warriors there are perfect prey and good exp. Train to 40 attack, then to 68 str. If you want to do this fast, buy around 20 str pots. This process if very slow so patience is the key to success.
Woohoo finished training!
Now that was the hard part, now heres the fun part - learning to KO!
The art of KOing with range/2h is like a glitch. The bow will automatically fire an arrow as soon as it's raised, even if you eat, run or switch weapons. Pures take advantage of this and use r2h to get in some decent 16-19 damage.
There are 3 main types of KOing
Quick switch
Bait and switch
Delayed switch
To do this you will need to practise. As soon as your bow is lifted, you click on your r2h, then click attack on your victim. This must be done very quickly. You will swipe with your r2h and damage will stack up on top one ach other
The timing of when this is used is also important. Use it when they are on a bit less than half hp, and if done correctly, and with a bit of luck, you will kill them like the picture above.
Bait and switch
This is useful if you are fighting someone who is hitting you hard, or just at the right time. To do this you range once, then run in any direction a few squares. You quickly pull out a r2h and swipe. Your victim will think you are running, and if they are less than 20 hp, will certainly get a surprise.
Delayed Switch
The delayed switch is extremely useful, and is the key to killing safers. It is not full proof, but is extremely effective. First you fire a shot with your short bow. As soon as damage is seen, you switch to r2h and swipe. This should be instant, and your opponent will have no idea when you are going to do it. Master it and own with it.
Last note
If you want to see some real range/2h ownage go to my Video.
In the first kill I get owned - watch out for rune scim + r2h guys. In second kill I k0 using scim, something which I didn't mention but watch how I did it. (I didn't mention because not good at the level I suggested). Third kill I used delayed switch .

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