Runecrafting Rapid leveling-up
Runecrafting Rapid leveling-up
Requiremenrs : Finish Rune Mysteries quest
Items prepared:
An Air Tiara
An Earth Tiara
A Fire Tiara(Optional)
A Body Tiara
Runes for transfer to Varrock and Falador(Optional)
Red circle represent the transfer place. Yellow circle is altar. Red line marks the line of transferring.
Lvl 1 – lvl 9
Make Air Runes, there are two methods. Plz check the picture.
You can choose transfer or not. Tranferring is quicker but more expensive.
Lvl 9 – lvl 14:
Make Earth Runes, tranferring is quicker but more expensive.
Lvl 14 – lvl 20:
If you used transfer, you can continue make Earth Runes. Or you can start making Fire Runes now.
Attention : Non-member’s cant be transferred to Al-Kharid or Duel Arena. It was proved that running to Al-Kharid is quicker than running Duel Arena.
Lvl 20 – lvl 99
You can make Body Runes now tilll you get to level 99.
PS : You can practice your magic with the Body Runes. For more details, please check Magic leveling guide lvl 19 – lvl 43.
Although you can be transferred to Falador and deposit items in the bank, it is slower and more expensive then go to Edgeville bank.

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