Usfine's Sixth Run of Thanksgiving Day Sending Free Gold Had Been Successfully Concluded
Usfine's Sixth Run of Thanksgiving Day Sending Free Gold Had Been Successfully Concluded
Usfine held a party and send free RS gold in world 60 in Runescape at USA Central Time of 20:00 29th,Nov.,2008 on schedule. We have sent off items, materials,equipments and gold which value about 10M Runescap GP. It include :
1: 4*Archers ring
2: 4*Warrior ring
3: 2*Strength amulet(t)
4: 2*amulet of glory(t)
5: 2*Berserker ring
6: 4*Obsidian cape
Welcome to join our party! For more details about Thanksgiving Day's activity, please check our site's news!

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Usfine's First Run of Thanksgiving Day Sending Free Gold Had Been Successfully Concluded.
Usfine held a party and send free RS gold in world 97 in Runescape at USA Central Time of 19:30 24th, Nov.on schedule. We have sent off items, materials,equipments and gold which value about 20M Ru...

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In order to improve our service and let you obtain the products what you want more conveniently,USFINE Corporation decided to promote the website recently. I am sorry to bring the discomfort to you...

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Usfine's Fourth Run of Thanksgiving Day Sending Free Gold Had Been Successfully Concluded.
Usfine's Fourth Run of Thanksgiving Day Sending Free Gold Had Been Successfully Concluded. Usfine held two party in the Thanksgiving Day :) The first party send free RS gold in world 100 in Runes...