Usfine Valentine's Day Promotion Has Begun!

Usfine Rendez-vous amoureux: Oct/04/13 12:57:21 Vues: 4089

Usfine Valentine's Day Promotion Has Begun!

The most romantic festival on this earth must be Valentine’s Day, it belongs to all the lovers in the world. Usfine would like to celebrate this festival with all of you. We have started many promotions for Valentine’s Day. Are you interested? Read the following!

Promotion Time

2012/2/10 – 2012/2/16

Promotion Details

Promotion 1:

Valentine's Day Roses

We will put 50 Free Roses in our Special Deals Page everyday from 2/10 to 2/16, you can come here on time and get your rose. One rose can exchange 1M RS Gold or $1 Vouchers through our site.

For those who want to exchange vouchers, please email at [email protected] to claim your vouchers.

Click Here to check how to get your roses.

Promotion 2:

Valentine's Day Rings

Rings are the symbol of Love. So we will display some Rings such as Onyx ring, Berserker ring, Ring of slaying and so on in our Special Deals Page, those rings will be offered with very BIG discount.

Click Here to get your favorite Runescape Rings.

Promotion 3:

Valentine's Day Coupon Code

From 2/10 to 2/29, input ValentineDay as the coupon code will give you 5% discount.

Note:This coupon can not be used in Special Deals and Auction Page. The coupon will expire on Feb 29th.

Promotion 4:

Valentine's Day Riddles

We will post a riddle on Usfine Official Facebook Page during 2/10 to 2/16 every day. If you have liked our Facebook page and given the right answer of the Riddles, you may win 1M RS Gold or or $1 Vouchers. We will pick 5 customers everyday from those who give the right answer and reward all of them 1M RS Gold or or $1 Vouchers. The chance to win is really big, do not miss the chance!
Click Here to Guess the Riddles.

Usfine wish you a nice Valentine's Day! Do not forget to say I Love You to her or him!

Usfine All Rights Reserved

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