Usfine has Finished Trading a Blue Partyhat!!!

Usfine Rendez-vous amoureux: Oct/04/13 12:57:31 Vues: 3247

Usfine has Finished Trading a Blue Partyhat!!!

Blue Partyhat Obtained From: Pulling a Christmas Cracker with another player to obtain a partyhat and another random item. Examine: A nice hat from a cracker.

Everyone must be familiar with the Partyhat. As one of the most expensive Runescpe items, all of us expect to get one.

Let’s tell you a good news! Usfine has fulfilled a Blue Partyhat Order last weekend! This is so exciting and congratulations to the customer who has got that amazing Blue Partyhat!

From now on:

If you want to purchase the Rare Runescape Items, please feel free to contact us:

If you want to sell Rare Items on, please also feel free to contact us:

Email/MSN:[email protected]

Let us check the Screenshot of the Blue Partyhat Trade Process last weekend as Below:

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