Trend of Maplestory Mesos Price
A lot of Maplestory Mesos buyers are care about the changes in the price. Compared to some other games, Maplestory MESOS prices is low. But the demand is very large, customers usually buy around 100M Mesos. As a player, I am much clear that Mesos are much demanded in the game. Like magic and other careers are extremely costly. If you have no Mesos in the game, you can do noting about the powerleveling. On you own pre-accumulated MESOS, it can only buy few bottles of medicine.
I remember in 2006 Maplestory Mesos price was about $ 10 - $ 12 per 20M. The price then is still high. Now days, 20M only costs $5-$6. The prices fell 50 percent. There is a sharp slash of the price. In particular, the current approach of Christmas, a lot of promotional activities, as well as free gifts, price can be imagined. But the price is expected to should be stable for some time. It may appear a small rise after around a month. Maplestory players are concentrated in the 14-20 years old people. Ther have a certain level of economic capacity. So I think they can afford some Mesos. Although the economy is very depressed now, we are working hard. I wish you a Merry Christmas and happy new year!

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