To Level Up Combat in RuneScape
To level combat up in runescape if you are doing melee you need to get these levels up strength, defence,and attack. It doesn’t matter which one you level up first but try to keep each one within 5-10 levels of the other 2. If you re starting at level 1 you should start at chickens north of lumbridge. At level 5 you should start killing cows to the north east of lumbridge. Next you should kill al kharid warriors in al kharid at level 15 or you could kill dwarves in the dwarven mines north of falador. when youre level 25 you should kill scorpions in the dwarven mines or north of al kharid or you could killzombies in the varrock sewers. At level 35 you should kill ghosts in varrock sewers or kill skeletons there also. At level 50 you should kill hill giants in the edgeville dungeon or jail guards west of lumbridge. you can kill jail guards for a long time because they give good experience and are easy to kill. At level 75 you should kill either lesser demons or moss giants lesser demons are in karamja dungeon and moss giants are in varrock sewers. at level 90 you can kill any nonmember enemy except maybe revenants because they are deadly and by that time you should kill lesser demons, greater demons in the high wilderness or kill jail guards.
P.S. always use scimitars because they attack very fast and still hit hard
P.S.S. don’t turn on the protection prayers if you can use them until you re almost out of food
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