star wars: the old republic media update
KeyWord: Star War, MMO, The Old Republic, column
Summary:In their latest media update, LucasArts and BioWare's Star Wars: The Old Republic reveals five new screenshots and four new wallpapers...
"This week we'd like to show you some of the action on Korriban and Tython. Our brave Jedi fights an Acklay while elsewhere a Mon Calamari confronts a Gran traitor."
Facing off with an Acklay
An Acklay's seemingly impenetrable pincers are no match for a Jedi.
It takes skill to avoid detection by the Jedi.
Not far from the Jedi enclave on Tython, a traitor is confronted.
Harsh Elements
Face wraps and deflective armor provide protection from the harsh elements of Korriban.
Defenses Prepared
On Korriban, you must be prepared to defend yourself at all times.
"After you have viewed the latest screenshots, make sure to deck out your desktop with one of our new wallpapers featuring The Old Republic concept art; some of which are new and some you may have seen before."
Sith Chamber
An ancient Sith imprisonment chamber holding a long-forgotten captive.
The Treaty of Coruscant
The Jedi reluctantly embark to Tython after the Republic signed the Treaty of Coruscant.
Sith Tombs
A Sith explores one of the many tombs on Korriban.
Tython Forest
A Jedi makes his way through a variety of flora and fauna in the Tython forests.
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