Runescape News: Bank Update and Item Lending
Bank Update:
To help you with some belated Spring cleaning, we have introduced a few changes to your bank. Tabs and search functions are here to help clear the mess!
Up to eight separate tabs can be created to organise your bank. To create a new tab, simply drag and drop an item from the main bank tab (marked with an infinity symbol) to the tab marked with a '+'. Once a new one is created, you can move items into and out of it. For easy identification, each tab has its own icon, which it takes from the item that sits in the first slot of that tab. Of course, the use of tabs is entirely optional; you can choose not to use any and simply leave your items stored in the main bank inventory as normal.
No matter how immaculately organised your bank is, everyone has difficulties finding items from time to time; thankfully, the bank rework has a solution in the form of a search function. Clicking the magnifying glass icon at the bottom of the interface, you can type in a word or part of it ('shield' for example) and the bank will list all of those items that include it (for example 'Round shield' or 'Black kiteshield'). This feature will make organising your items into tabs a breeze, since you can drag items into existing or new tabs from the search results view.
We have added a counter in the top-right hand corner of the interface, which allows you to keep track of how much bank space you are currently using. We have also given you the ability to repeatedly withdraw/deposit the number of items you last entered using Deposit-x/Withdraw-x.
Finally, thanks should go to everyone who suggested bank ideas on the Forums - you came up with so many of the ideas that went into this update.
Item Lending:
This week's update also brings you a new way to help your friends. With the Item Lending system, you can lend out a wide range of handy items, including many of RuneScape's best weapons and armour. Once the loan is over, you can retrieve your stuff by speaking to a banker.
How do I lend out an item?
Use the item on a friend who has Accept Aid turned on. You'll be asked how long you're willing to let them keep the item (any number of hours from 1 to 24). Make your choice, and wait while they consider your kind offer.
What can I lend?
Visit the Knowledge Base article here for the full list.
Where does the item go when my friend's finished with it?
Speak to a banker. When you've lent out an item, they'll have a chat option for seeing your Returned Items box. This is where your item will be.
Suppose I borrow armour from my friend, and it goes back to them while I'm wearing it in combat! I might die!
When you borrow an item, you'll be told how long you can keep it. You should make sure you're not depending on the item at the time when the loan is due to expire. Remember, if you agreed that the item would be returned to its owner when one of you logs out, they might log out or claim it back at any time, so be careful.
What happens if I lend someone an item and they drop it, trade it, alch it or die with it?
They won't be allowed to trade it or alch it. If they drop it, you'll still be able to get it back at the end of the loan period by speaking to a banker and asking to see your Returned Items box.
If your friend does die while they've got your stuff, the borrowed item will be protected over anything else they've got, so it'll be one of the three (or four) items they keep on death.
If they do end up losing the item on death, such as because they're skulled, you'll still be able to get it back from a banker in the usual way. They won't be allowed to take the item into Bounty Hunter.
I've borrowed an item for a fixed period, but I want to give it back early. Can I?
Sorry, technical limitations prevent us from returning items early if they've been lent out for a fixed period. You're welcome to discard the item, though. Its owner will get it back at the end of the loan period.
Are there plans to add any more items to Item Lending?
We intend to add more objects to the list of lendable items in the future. Our plan is to read your feedback and highlight those items that you would like to lend to each other.

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