Price Development of FFXI GIL

Usfine Rendez-vous amoureux: Oct/04/13 13:00:06 Vues: 3758

When we have just begun to deal with FFXI GIL in 2006,the price was very stable at that was around 1M=$19.99,individual serves were a little higher.

But at the end of 2006.The GM Carried out a series of vigorous enforcement to restrain farming. Many accounts got banned. induced the severe shortage of supply in the whole market. resulted in the rising of the sale price.But the raise is not very much. Maintained around 1M=$30.

I remember clearly about the significant decline of the price in 2007.Some bots been used for increase the efficiency of farming,so that the cost of FFXI GIL went down rapidly. But the pleasant hours fly past soon.The GM tried best to get rid of rabots.Indeed,the official has high efficiency, these accounts which got out of line had been banned.Price of FFXI GIL began to rebound quickly. With the expansion of the consumer market,the requirement of FFXI GIL is ever-increasing.Nowadays,the price have reached 1M=$48.99.and FFXI GIL always out of stock,its in short supply.

I believe the market will expand gradually.With the arrival of Christmas and The New Year,the price of FFXI GIL will raise in a short period of time.But a mass of sales promotions are in hot development.we should to get some FFXI GIL instock in order to prevent the price fluctuations in the later stage.

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