Price changes of Age of Conan GOLD

Usfine Rendez-vous amoureux: Oct/04/13 13:00:04 Vues: 3531

Age of Conan is published to public on May 20th, 2008.which is the one that we have high expectations of the MMORPG, we are always concerning about that.

On June 7th, we started selling AOC GOLD, then the price is 10G = $ 16.29, Generally, the price of new products are relatively high on the market , but in late July when the price droppeddirectly to 10G = $ 5.7,which mainly due to the large number influx of Age of Conan producer that make the price of gold diving and gradually return to normal ,and also it has been steady until now,the price is fixed in 10G = $ 6 - $ 7 . This is a more reasonable price, perhaps because of too high expectations of the game, the actual situation is not as perfect as we thought, but there are still a lot of loyal players.

At present, the demand for gold is not too much,at one hand,it is restricted by the group of the players, on the other hand,it takes longer time to develop the game. after all ,the market is so new fof the game ,also the competition is so fierce. today like WORLD OF WARCRAFT, which has taken up a big market and also it has been well-known to the people. But we have been looking forward to the growth ofAge of Conan .

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