Marriage on RuneScape

Usfine Rendez-vous amoureux: Oct/04/13 12:46:44 Vues: 3948
Should Jagex add marriages into RuneScape? Published by Bnasty013

What if the players of Runescape 2.0 could get married to one another somehow? Im sure that we already are aware of the countless members, both f2p and membership players, that are having what I like to call “Intergaming relationships” in which they find themselves a boyfriend or girlfriend online. But this can only go so far as to no wedding ceremonies and no dedication towards there partners. But if Jagex did allow marriages, would it affect the gameplay and ratings in a positive or negative manner? I for one believe that marriages in runescape would most definately take away from the main point of the game, but it just might be enough to push more F2P players into purchasing memberships. Because if marriage was put into the Free version of the game, then after two players were married to each other, they would eventually want to move in together on the game, which gradually builds up to them becoming members of the game to start on the construction skill to build their home together.

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