How to Train Combat Fast in RuneScape
Combat skills are some of the most trained on Runescape, even though the others are a lot more useful for earning money. You can train combat skills anywhere, if there is an attackable NPC in reach. The NPCs, usually monsters, are either aggressive or not at all. Unaggressive moster don’t attack you at all when you past them, whether you are a level 3 or level 103, examples are chickens, roaches, and barbarians. There are 2 kinds of aggressive monsters, 1 kind attacks you whether you are a level 3 or 126, this kind is usually found in the wilderness and the 2-4 levels of stronghold of security. The other kind attacks you if your combat level is lower than 2 times the monster’s level. They all give the same experience for each damage dealt, and the levels doesn’t matter at all. There are 4 styles of combat with most weapons, the accurate gives 4 attack xp and 1.5 hitpoint xp for each damage dealt, the aggressive gives 4 strength xp and 1.5 hitpoint for each damage dealt, the controlled gives 4/3 xp for attack, strength, and defence, with 1.5 xp for hitpoint, and the defensive gives 4 xp for defence and 1.5 xp for hitpoint.
Combat skills:
There are 5 skills for melee combat, attack, strength, defence, hitpoint, and prayer. Attack makes you hit more accurately and miss less, though it doesn’t affect the damage dealt each successful hit. Strength increases the damage dealt each successful , though it doesn’t make you hit more accurately. Defence makes your opponent miss more when they attack you. Hitpoint gives 1 more hitpoint each time you level up, so you will need to eat and heal less. Prayer is trained by burying bones, each regular bone gives 4.5 xp and each big bone gives 15 xp. Prayer gives bonuses to the combat skills if activated, though it cost prayer points. You can recharge prayer points at altars.
Levels 3-20:
When you first started, get a weapon form the combat tutor north of the Lumbridge castle, then head for Varrock, which is about 2-3 minutes of walk north of Lumbridge. At the square, turn right and walk less than 30 seconds, to your left, there should be a house with a lot of punching bags. attack them with whatever skill you want to train until it says that you can’t anymore, which is about level 9. Whne you can’ attack anymore, go to the chicken coop between Lumbridge and Varrock that you past earlier. Kill the chicken and gather the feather, bury the bones if you want to train prayer. Do this until you are level 20.
Level 20-40:
At level 20, you can buy better armors and weapons in the Grand Exchange. Now go to Al-Kharid, east of Lumbridge in the desert. Go to the castle/palace and kill the warriors. Pick the drops and bury the bones until you are level 30. At 30, do the vampire slayer quest. Now go north to the scorpion pit and kill the level 14 scorpions, buy new weapons if you can. Kill them until you are level 40.
Level 40-60:
At level 40, you can kill level 20 dark wizards south of Varrock and pick their drops. Make sure you take off you metal armor and wear leather ones if possible. Do this until level 50. At level 50, kill hobgoblins, which can be found in several places, the best is by the crafting guild north of Rimmington and south of Falador. Pick the drops. Do this until level 60.
Level 60-80:
At level 60, you should do the dragon slayer quest. After that, go train on Falador white knights in the castle or black knights in the Black Knight Fortress west of Edgeville, they are about the same level but the white knights are easier because they are closer to a bank and do not require a quest. Do this until level 70. At level 70, start killing giant spiders in the 3rd level of the stronghold of security, you can beg food from the fishers by the river by Barbarian Village, they are happy to give food away.
Level 80-126:
Now, you have a choice, the fast way to train would be to continue killing giant spiders until you mastered all skills, the best money earning way is to kill cockroach soldiers as they drop rune scimitars and square shields. Choose a way and do it till 126, you can switch back and forth if you want.
Good luck on training.

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