How to sell Runescape Account to Usfine
Before we decide to buy your account whether or not, we will first confirm the account information you offered. We will do this by recovering your account using the "Stolen password" feature.We will buy the account from you if everything is ok.
If you plan to scam us after you get paid, we will use the account information to recover the account back. Meanwhile, our customer will also do this, so that there will be three different IP addresses from three different countries attempting to recover the account back at the same time. By our four years experience, it is very likely that your account will be permanently locked or banned. In addition, we will file a Charge-Back on the payment in PayPal.
Here is the procedure:
1,Please click our account customer service online,and talk to them
2,Give them your skill status and valuable items and gold.
3,We will give you a quote on your account.
4,If it is acceptable,you may need to offer some information of the account.
5,We will change the email and pass after confirmed your account is totally ok.
6,We will list your account within 23-48hrs on our websites for sale.
7,You will get paid 7 days after your account is sold.Meanwhile,we will inform you by an email.
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