Guide for fishing skill and make money in runescape

Usfine Rendez-vous amoureux: Oct/04/13 12:47:48 Vues: 4021

This guide include two parts : rapid powerleveling / making money

Lvl 1- lvl 30:

1-5:Small Fising Net--Shrimp.
5-15:Fishing Rod&Bait--Sardine&Herring.
15-20:Small Fishing Net—Anchovies(toast it and sell it, it worths 180 GP.)
20-30:Fly Fishing Rod&Feather--Trout.

Rapid powerleveling : 30-99

If you want to level to 99 rapidly, Fly-fishing is the best choice. You can use the following eight methods.

i. Fishing in Barbrian Villiage, take Fly-fishing Rod and Feathers, deposit it in Edgeville bank. (You can use the fire in front of the bank, or you can leave the fish for cooking, If you don’t like these two method, you can sell fresh fish.)

ii. Fishing in Barbrian Villiage, take the tools. There is a pile of fire in the house which sell helmet. Or you can go to the public house, there are two piles of fire there. Or you can equip Axe and make a pile of fire anywhere.

iii. Fishing in Barbrian Villiage, just take the tools and drop the fish on the ground.

Method iii is most speedy, method ii is a slower than method iii. Method i is the slowest.

If you want to powerlevel Fishing+Cooking, you can use method ii or method i.

The following are only for members

The 3 most speedy methods:

iv.Use Amulet Of Glory and Skull Secpture to transfer to Edgeville and Barbrian Villiage.

v. Fishing in Shilo Villiage then deposit in the bank.

vi. Fishing in Baxtorian Falls, sell the fish to NPC beside.

Other methods:

vii. Fishing in Barbrian Villiage and deposit the fishes in Edgeville bank. Use Canoe on the east of River Lum. It demands 12 Woodcutting

It need about 186K-220K Feathers.

Make money : lvl 30 – lvl X ( X is depends on your own level, this is the level for you to start catching lobstars

Trout/Salmon:As the same


Requirements: none

Address: Draynor

Tools: Small Fishing Net

Nearest bank: Draynor

None members: lvl X to lvl 99 ( X is depends on your own level)

Fish you need to catch : Lobster.

Requirements : none.

Address: Karamja

Tools : Lobster Pot

Nearest bank : Draynor

You can use Explorer Ring 3, it will help you a lot.

Members: Lvl X – lvl Y ( Y is the level when you start catching)

This method is also catching lobstar. There are many places for members to fishing. I will recommend 3 places here.

  • Fishing Guild

Requirements : 68 Fishing.

The nearest bank : Fishing Guild

Other tips : Use the north points.

  • Catherby

Requirements: None

The nearest bank : Catherby

Other tips: You can use the oven on the road.

  • Jatizso

Requirements: Start Fremennik Isles Quest.

The nearest bank : Jatizso

Other tips : Go to Relleka by water. There are tools on sale.

Members: Lvl Y – lvl 99 ( Y is the level when you start catching)

  • Monkfish

Requirements: Finish quest Swan Song.

Tools : Small Fishing Net.

Location : Northwest, called Piscatoris Fishing Colony.

The nearest bank : Piscatoris.

Other tips : It is quicker in powerleveling fishing and making money than catch Shark. But the cooking experience is lower than catching Shark.

  • Shark.

Requirements: Use Jatizso and start quest Fremennik Isles.

Tools : Harpoon.

Location : Northwest, called Piscatoris Fishing Colony.

The nearest bank : Piscatoris.

  • Other tips : It’s as the same as Monkfish.

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