The changes about WOW Powerleveling Products

Usfine Fecha: Oct/04/13 13:00:02 Puntos de vista: 3574

In the current market, Wow powerleveling is not only mature but also accepted by the majority of the players. Many sites sell the products now, and the competition is very fierce. More and more kinds of products come out. From the very beginning, there is only level up, then powerleveling packages come out. The price is lower and lower and the content is richer and richer. From the start, the most common package of 1-60 powerleveling costs $ 169.99. And the most luxurious package reached $ 359.99 now days. Some non-formal web site use bots to powerlevel fastly and the powerleveling environment is very bad. We always persist in powerleveling by professional gamers.

In the first half of 2007, Blizzard official increased the investigated and dealt with a large number of BOT's efforts to make the illegal use of BOT's account was closed. Powerleveling prices did not rise, so that a large number of shrinking profit margins. Some sites have outage, In 2008, the the development is more stable. Few accounts got banned. The emergence of Wrath of the Lich King attracted a large number of players returned to game. But the powerleveling price is still at a very low level, 1-80 only costs $ 229.99. On the whole, powerleveling developed smoothly.

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