Runescape News: Summoning Poll Results
Many thanks for voting in last week's Guaranteed Content poll. We had a huge number of votes and it really captured everyone's imagination. So, without further ado, we can reveal that the familiar you will be summoning in the future is...
The phoenix!
Another Guaranteed Content Poll is coming soon, so if you want to influence the choices for the poll, keep an eye on the Suggestions Forum...

The first part for Thanksgiving
After research, in order to return the majority of Runescape customers who are supporting of USFINE,our company decided to hold a party at party room in world 97 in Runescape at USA Central Time of...

runescape news: Jagex Store: The New Batch
Two weeks ago, we introduced USB wireless mice, hoodies, t-shirts and other goodies to the Jagex Store. This week, we can add to their number with four items for use at school, work or home: ...

Notification of Sever Maintance
Notification of Sever Maintance In order to offer better service, Usfine site will be maintance from 19:00 PST in 9th.,Jan to 5:00 PST in 10st, Jan. Thanks for your understanding and support! Cust...

Why the RS Gold Price will Raise when Evolution of Combat Comes?
Why the RS Gold Price will Raise when Evolution of Combat Comes? As we know, the Evolution of Combat will be launched on Nov 20th. Many players are waiting for ...

Atlantica powerleveling is on hot sale now!
With the birth of the game Atlantica,Atlantica powerleveling products are developed by usfine.Atlantica powerleveling full filled customer's needs.We devided powerleveling products into sever...

How to do Shopping Points Exchange and lucky Draw on
Hi All, some of our customers say they do not know how to use Usfine Shopping points and how to do luck draw. So we are writing a guide to show you how to exchange items by your shopping points ...