Runescape News: FunOrb - Arcanists Update
As RuneScape applies the final touches to the upcoming graphical improvement, the FunOrb team have been busy revamping their most popular game. The free to play and multiplayer game 'Arcanists' has now received a large chunk of new content.
They have created some new maps to master, including one that takes its cues from Mos Le'Harmless. More spells are on offer, including two new spellbooks - Sea and Nature - while familiars have been introduced, which could turn current Arcanist tactics on their head.
With more Achievements to unlock and awards to obtain, there's plenty new to play in Arcanists.
FunOrb is a website created by Jagex, makers of RuneScape, which offers a diverse selection of games for you try out and play for free.

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