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Random Events in runescape
The Basics Sometimes you may find yourself being distracted by a Random Event in RuneScape, which you should always respond to. There are 2 main kinds of events that can happen; skill-specific eve...

runescape news: Jagex Store: The New Batch
Two weeks ago, we introduced USB wireless mice, hoodies, t-shirts and other goodies to the Jagex Store. This week, we can add to their number with four items for use at school, work or home: ...

Runescape News: Myreque Part IV - Legacy of Seergaze
The Vyrewatch continue to draw blood tithes from the citizens of Meiyerditch, while the Saradominist powers of Misthalin seem unable to break Drakan's stranglehold over the dread land of Mory...

Runescape News: Behind the Scenes - June
Instead of beginning with a starter or main course, we will skip straight to desert this June! If that pun doesn't kill you, the beasties just might in Smoking Kills, our brand new desert quest...

How to make money by fishing in runescape
Before we start training Fishing, be sure you have fishing implement. Go to Port Sarim’s fishing shop, get a small fishing net(most players have it since you create account), 1 fishing rod(...