Making money with fishing in runescape

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Make money with fishing in runescape



Lvl 1 – lvl 30

Please reference to the fishing rapid leveling-up guide.


Lvl 30 – lvl 40

Get back your Small Fishing Net, and go to Draynor Village to catach Anchovies. It is best if you can catch it in World 1. Cause somebody may make a pile of fire there. You just need to take Small Fishing Net, throw the Shrimp away and cook all the Anchovies. Then take the cooked Anchovies to the bank. You can take at least 22 Anchovies once and Anchovies’s price is 180-200gp for each one.


Lvl 40 – lvl 55

You can start catch Lobster. But we don’t suggest that if you are level 40. you can just continue catch Anchovies.


Lvl 55 – lvl 70

You can catch Lobster at this level. My suggestion is you have arrive level 60. Befire that, you can reference the fishing rapid leveling-up guide or catch Anchovies.

Tips: If you want to make money at this level, you should deposit the fish in the bank. It is easier to sell than it is cooked(especially Trout)


Lvl 70 – lvl 99

If you haven’t started catch Lobster before you are level 70. It is the time now. You can do that in Karamja.

If you want to make money, you shouldn’t cook the lobstar. The cooked lobstar is cheaper than lobstar.

If you want to store some food, you can cook the lobstar.

The price of Anchovies is also high, you can consider it, too.

If you have the item Explorer Ring 3 which get from quest Lumbridge/Draynor Achievement Diary, you can use it. Choose the Explorer Ring 3 and then click Operate. You can get to the blue&green circle place in the following.


And I should mention that every time you arrive or leave Karamja, it costs you 30 gp. But if you use Explorer Ring 3, the fee is half of that. If you don’t have Explorer Ring 3, you’d better take some gp in your bag so that you needn’t go back and get money. If you have Explorer Ring 3, you can only take 30 gp to save more room for lobstar.

lobstar map

Blue&Green circle : the place you will arrive after you use Explorer Ring 3

Blue&Green solid line : the way for those who have Explorer Ring 3

Blue&Green dotted line : the way Explorer Ring 3 transfers you.

Blue dotted line : the sailing way for the boat.

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