how to defeat Zilyana the boss of the saradomin godwars dungeon
Saradomin Godwars is a dangerous place and Zilyana is even more dangerous. She can hit up to 30 at the spped of darts therefore melee is usually not used in solos. The method to use is range.
This is your set up (advised):
Veracs helm
Zammy d'hide
Saradomin Bracers
Amulet of Fury or glory
Veracs Skirt
Granite Sheild or Dfire is you can afford it
Rune c'bow
Diamond bolts e
Avas Accumulator
So basically to kill Zilyana what you're going to do is run around the room while occasioanly stopping and shootin at her to inflict damage. You should be able get 2 shots per wall, but never try 3 or you will get hit.
When you first walk into the room turn on mage pray and eagle eye (always keep mage pray on or her attack will hit over 30's) then draw her to you and try to touch the walls. This is the exception, when you get better at this you will never touch the north wall while killing Zilyana therefore the melee minion cannot hit you. This guide was very short but if you watch a few videos on youtube then you will understand what I mean by all this.
Now Zilyana drops the saradomin sword and saradomin hilt as her 2 main drops. From several drop logs as well as my own experience the drop rate for one of these two items wth a ring of wealth is approxiametley every 62.5 kills!! Thats almost 7 mill at leasst every week or so.
Good luck with your solos and never give up on that hilt!!

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