Firemaking 1-99 Guide Runescape

Usfine Fecha: Oct/04/13 12:46:42 Puntos de vista: 4078

This is a Firemaking guide for RuneScape. Published by MenaceWars

Free players and members have the same method to 99 Firemaking. My guide uses the best logs available up to maple logs, and shows an alternative method using willows. This does guide does not use Yew Logs and Magic Logs because of their large price.

Hey there, this is MenaceWars with a firemaking guide. Yes! Firemaking. This is one of the most boring, yet easiest skills to get a high level in. We shall start off with level 1! If you follow my guide starting with 0 experience points in firemaking, the log numbers should be quite accurate. It may vary whether you use certain bonuses that only members can achieve.

If you like this guide, check out my other guides! - The woodcutting guide can be used to obtain logs.

Recommended places to firemake is the Grand Exchange, Draynor, Fist of Guthix Bank, Edgeville, or the Duel Arena Bank.

From level 1-15 firemaking, you will be required to light 61 regular logs.
From level 15-30 firemaking, you will be required to light 183 oak logs. Ouch, right? Well don’t be discouraged yet. The time for discouragement will come in the later levels. LOL.
Anyways, from level 30-45 you will need to be required to light 535 willows! Ouch.
Now we shall use maple logs. It’s very strange that you can firemake these logs, but you cannot cut them when you are a free player! Now, you may be discouraged, so don’t go for 99 firemaking in one go, take breaks frequently, etc. From the levels 45-99 firemaking… You are required to light a hefty amount of 96,096 maple logs! *Whistles*… So, that’s it! Good luck, and be one of the only 26,000-27,000 users with 99 firemaking!
Extra Information - There are 26,300 users with 99 firemaking as of July 2nd, 2009.

To be on the highscores of firemaking, rank 2,000,000 or rank two million, you need 65,780 firemaking experience points.

Thanks for using my guide!



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