F2p Range Guide 1-99
This is a guide showing how to get 1-99 range the quickest.
There are many ways to get from 1-99 range, there is a cheap and slow way and there is an expensive and quicker way.
1-10 killing chickens is the quickest way to get to 10 range becuase you hit easily on them and they dont hit on you. you should get some bronze arrows a regular shortbow leather chaps and a leather chest. make sure you are using rapid becuase this gets you the best xp. you need to kill about 33 chickens.
10-20 switch to an oak bow and head down to the cows. these cows are easy becuase you can fight them over the fence so they do not hurt you. you will need to fight about 104 cows to get to 20 range.
20-60 head back to the grand exchange and get yourself a pair of studded chaps and a pair of green d'hide chaps and go to the stronghold of security. if you have not already done the stringhold then quickly do it and then go to the second level and fight the flesh crawlers. these are very good xp becuase they have 25 health which gives you 100 xp each kill. you will need to kil 3694 flesh crawlers to get to 60 range.
60-99 just like my strength guide you will need to fight leser demons to get to 99 range. these are very good xp becuase there are safe spots to stand in and range from so that you do not get attacked. you will need to fight 40382 leser deoms to get to lvl 99 thank you, i am kitex kriger (or arch kriger is my pure) i hope this helped you out and i would like to know any better things get to 99

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