Best Runes-Dropping Monsters in F2p RuneScape

Usfine Fecha: Oct/04/13 12:46:45 Puntos de vista: 4048
About the best monsters to kill in F2P RuneScape to get runes from. It also contains tips and suggestions on how to kill the monsters. Published by Hellen

Have you ever wanted to get runes but did want to bye or runecraft them? Well, I am going to give you some advice on the best NPCs to kill in F2P Runscape.

Dark wizards (levels 7 & 20): These NPCs drop all kind of runes but they can also hit pretty well if you don’t have good armour. It is suggested that you are combat level +50 and you wear full green dragon hide or, if you can’t wear it or if you don’t have enough money, you can wear leather armour or wizards robes. They are situated at the Stone Circle, south of Varrock. You should also bring some food because if you don’t, you won’t stay there long.

Zombies (levels 30, 44 & 53): If you want body runes, this is the monsters to kill. You should have combat level +65 and full rune when fighting these. They are in the Stronghold of Security, second level, usually with Flesh crawlers (levels 28, 35 & 41). You should bring a bit of food with you and they drop steel arrows quite frequently.

Cockroach workers and soldiers (levels 56 & 83): These are awesome experience and they drop the most expensive runes (chaos, nature, law, death, cosmic). You should have full rune armour and almost full inventory of lobsters, tunas, or swordfish. It is recommended to have combat level +70. They also drop lots of mithril ore and coins. The cockroach soldiers can drop rune 2-handed swords, rune scimitars and rune square shields, but it’s rare.

Wizards (level 13): These NPCs are located south of Falador and can be killed easily. There are different kind of wizards (air, water, earth, and fire) and they drop runes or talismen according to their type; if it is an air wizard, it will drop air runes and air talismen. It’s recommended to have a good defence level and +20 combat level. Like killing the dark wizards, you should wear dragon hide armour, leather or wizard robes.

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