Answer 6 Questions to Win Free Game Currency!
Answer 6 Questions to Win Free Game Currency!
Usfine do the survey every year. And the survey of 2012 has been launched. We would like to know more of what you think and what you want so that we can offer you the better service in 2012. If you just answer our questions, you will have the big chance to win one of the following prizes!
The 1st Prize ( 1 Person )
100M RS Gold/10000K SWTOR Credits/5000M Mesos
The 2nd Prize ( 2 Persons )
60M RS Gold/6000K SWTOR Credits/3000M Mesos
The 3rd Prize ( 3 Persons )
30M RS Gold/3000K SWTOR Credits/1500M Mesos
The 4th Prize ( 4 Persons )
10M RS Gold/1500K SWTOR Credits/500M Mesos
The 5th Prize ( 6 Persons )
2M RS Gold/1000K SWTOR Credits/200M Mesos
The Encouragement Prize ( 20 Persons )
Usfine Lifelong 5% Discount Coupon
Regarding the 1st and 2nd Prizes, the winners will be judged by the quality of your answers. For the other Prizes, the winners will be decided by the random draw!
Please fill the information as below so that we can contact you and send the game currency to you once you win the prize!
Your Email:
Character Name:
Survey Questions:
1.What games do you play usually?
Your Answer:
2.What is your favourite game?
Your Answer:
3.If you have not bought game currency recently, what are the reasons?
Your Answer:
4.What kind of the promotion you would like Usfine to do? You can write the Details of the Promotion here.
Your Answer:
5.If you have not bought game currency for some time, when are you going to buy again?
Your Answer:
6.There must be something which makes you not satisfied with Usfine sometimes, can you tell us what they are? What is Usfine’s Shortage? Can you tell us your suggestions of how to improve? (Your answer of this question will decide if you can win the 1st or 2nd Prize)
Your Answer:
This Activity Has Ended! Thanks for Your Attention!
Usfine All Rights Reserved.

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