Rate for Usfine to Get Free RS Gold and other Game Currency
Hey Guys, thank you for being with usfine for so many years. From today, no matter you are our new or old customer, if you rate for usfine.com, we will reward you the free game currency.
Where should I rate for usfine?
We have chosen 2 places for you guys to rate!
1. Bizrate
What can I get if I rate for Usfine?
We will reward you free game currency after you have successfully rated for usfine.
For RS players, we will give you 1M RS 2007 Gold or 5M RS3 Gold if you have rated for us on both places we listed above. For the players who play other games, you can talk to us and we will give you the accordingly game currency.
How can I get my gold after I have rated for Usfine?
You need to take a screenshot of your review and then send it to us via email or Skype. After we have verified your review, we will deliver the gold to you instantly.
Email: [email protected]
Skype: wow_sunday
We look forward to your good suggestion and we will do our best to make you satisfied!
Usfine Christmas and New Year Promotion is live
Hey All! How time flies! Another year is passed! We need to say Merry Christmas to you guys again! Hopefully you did well in the past year!
December Riddle 2 - Guess Riddle to Win RS Gold
Hey All. Welcome to Guess Usfine Thankgiving Riddle. Please read the following riddle and write your answer, you may win free RS Gold.
How to Sell Runescape Gold if you do not need them Anymore
Many RS players often face this problem. They usually do not know how to deal their extra runescape gold. The best method is to sell all of them to others, because by that way, they can make some real cash. But how to sell runecape gold? It is very easy! Check out the below guides.
November Riddle Four - Guess Riddles to Win RS Gold
Hi All! We will post One Riddle everyday in November 2013. If you answer the riddle correctly, you will have the chance to win Free RS Gold everyday!
Thanksgiving Riddle - Guess Riddle to Win RS Gold
Hey All. Welcome to Guess Usfine Thankgiving Riddle. Please read the following riddle and write your answer, you may win free RS Gold.
Riddle 2 of Dec– Guess Riddle to Win Free Game Gold
Hi All! Friend, we will post a Riddle here every 2-3 days, if you answer the riddle correctly, you will have the chance to win Free Game Gold everyday!