November Riddle Four - Guess Riddles to Win RS Gold

Usfine Datum: Nov/22/13 15:57:49 Ansichten: 4409

Hi All! We will post One Riddle everyday in November 2013. If you answer the riddle correctly, you will have the chance to win Free RS Gold everyday!

Usfine November Riddle 4

Two fathers and Two sons went on a fishing trip. Each person caught one fish. But finally, there were only three fish. Why is that?

The Correct Answer is:
There are 3 people, a Grandfather, a Father, and a Son.

The Winners are:
Patrik Gray(flacycl***
Facebook User: Ryan Brackenrig

1M RS 07 Gold or 10M RS 3 Gold

Congratulations to the Winners. Please send an email to [email protected] to claim your Prize.
If you did not win this time, please do not be upset, because the New riddle is already active.

Click Here to answer the New ridde and Try to Win again!

Good Luck and Wish you Win!

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