Usfine's Video Commercial competition starts now!!

Usfine Datum: Oct/04/13 12:58:18 Ansichten: 3511
Contest of Making Videos Starts Now!

Activity Time: 1st, July - 1st, Aug,2010


  • 1.Content should be clear, creative. Video-makers must be original, must not involve any copyright issues.
  • 2.Usfine brand concept "Better Game, Better Life" should be fused.
  • 3.Video contents must be related with, types can be: Site guide, Products, creative display, scene of creativity, etc
  • 4.Video play time is no less than 3 minutes.
  • 5.Video images must be clearly for watching
  • 6.The Only Video Publishing Place:
  • 7.Users need to submit the Youtube Url link to after Published, and please Mark "This is for Video Competition" on your comments box.

  • 1.1st Prize: Number of people: 1, Reward: $200
  • 2.2nd Prize: Number of people: 2, Reward: $100
  • 3.3rd Prize: Number of people: 3, Reward: $50
  • 4.Winners List will be published on 7th, Aug,2010 at

Special Store:

No Profit Storm:

Contact us:
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