Sell Red spiders' eggs to earn runescape gold

Usfine Datum: Oct/04/13 12:47:55 Ansichten: 4188

Requirements: Amulet of Glory very useful.

Method: This is a good way to get rich quick. Collective steps are as follows:

1) Amulet of Glory sent to edgeville

2)go into the cellar

3) to the Red spiders' eggs respawn.

4) wait patiently, picking eggs McGregor, where 7 of spider egg can be found.

5) when space bags full,just back to edgeville banks, continue to the next round

This approach is relatively simple, no big demands.

Profit: a Red spiders' eggs is the price of 354K, an hour you can pick up 300, the reward is about 100K / hour.

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