Runescape News: Christmas Poll Results

Usfine Datum: Oct/04/13 12:49:04 Ansichten: 3564

It’s time for the Poll Orks to take a well-earned rest. They’ve been working overtime to make sure that your votes are counted in time. Thank you to everyone that voted in the Guaranteed Content – Christmas 2008 poll. The options were a combination of our own wintery ideas and some excellent suggestions from you, with every event idea having plenty of supporters. These are the winning options that will be making it into December's event:

Christmas Event - Winner:

Jack Frost has an evil plan. Can you get to him before he covers the whole of RuneScape with ice? – You will need a cool head to foil Jack Frost’s sub-zero plans for Gielinor this Christmas.

Christmas Format - Winner:

A quest is the most popular format for the holiday event this Christmas, so, expect to do some adventuring!

Christmas Rewards - Winner:

It’s been a close race for the top three reward options. The winner is a Santa suit so, if you successfully complete the Christmas quest, you will be rewarded with a cosy costume to warm you up.

Christmas Emote - Winner:

It’s been an even closer race between the top two emote options! What’s clear is that the vast majority of you want to see your character become more than a little bit frosty. The winning option is 'turning into snow and melting'!

The Poll Orks don’t have a very long break, as we have a brand new poll for you to vote in. There’s an opportunity for you to imagine how different life could be in this week's Living in RuneScape poll.

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