RuneScape Guide to 99 Fletching
This guide will show you how to get 99 Fletching fast and easily.
Fletching is one of the easier skills to train on Runescape. The main way to train Fletching up is to make Long bow (u)’s. Do not string any bow unless it is Yew or Magic. You could chop some of your own logs if you want or you could simply buy the all from the Grand Exchange. You could use Stealing Creation knives as well. The following below shows what you need to do in order to train Fletching effectively:
Level 1-5: Make Arrow Shafts. Requirements: log and knife
Level 5-10: Make Short Bow (u)’s. Requirements: log and knife
Level 10-20: Make Long Bow (u)’s. Requirements: log and knife
Level 20-25: Make Oak Short Bow (u)’s. Requirements: oak log and knife
Level 25-35: Make Oak Long Bow (u)’s. Requirements: oak log and knife
Level 35-40: Make Willow Short Bow (u)’s. Requirements: willow log and knife
Level 40-50: Make Willow Long Bow (u)’s. Requirements: willow log and knife
Level 50-55: Make Maple Short Bow (u)’s. Requirements: maple log and knife
*Level 55-70: Make Maple Long Bow (u)’s. Requirements: maple log and knife
Level 70-99: Make Yew Long Bows. Requirements: Yew log, knife, and bow string
Level 85-99: Make Magic Long Bows. Requirements: Magic log, knife, and bow string
*Do not make yew short bow (u)’s because it’s a waste of money.
I hoped I helped you understand the skill of Fletching better.

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