The Secrets That Top Pkers Would Not Let You Know

Usfine تاريخ: Oct/04/13 12:46:59 الآراء: 3509

The secrets that one should know to become top player killer of the game. by kartikey

Do you wanna kill other players to get rich? Or you lost everything? Wasted millions and got nothing except being called a loser? Do you want to know the secrets that top player killers would not let you know? If your answer is yes to any of these questions then you must read this great article.

Armor: armor depends upon what are you using as a weapon
If you are using knight then you should wear full dragon hide, full rune only when playing on free worlds, monk robes.

If you are going as a ranger, wear full dragon hide ,magic short bow and in inventory: range potion, a Dark bow (because of it's powerful special attack).


If you are going as a wizard then, wear full monk robes, full mystic, and a staff

And for hybrids mixture of (rangers and wizards): full mystic get some runes in inventory, a short bow and a dark bow,

Strategies: to become a good player killer it is required to know all the tricks.
Massing: massing means using many weapons at once, just like hybrids, to take three high hits I usually first cast ice barrage then special attack of dark bow.

Rushing: rushing means 1 hit 1 kill e.g. use a magic attack then run, do a special attack of a god sword.


Glitching: glitching means breaking rules to take more hit, the most famous glitch is Vedas long sword dragon claws glitch (vls d claw glitch).

If you have some more questions then comment I will try to reply.

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