RuneScape Guide to 99 Woodcutting
Level 1-6 Using a bronze axe, Cut regular logs at lumbridge(25Exp. per log)
Level 6-15 keep cutting logs but use black hatchet cut logs faster.
Level 15-21 Start cutting oak logs, by lumbridge.(37.5Exp. per log)
Level 21-31 Keep cutting them oak logs but now use a mithril hatchet.
Level 31-35 still cut oaks and use adamant hatchet.
Level 35-41 Now start cutting willows. You gain fast xp by cutting willows.(67.5Exp. per log)There's a pond next the chickens in lumbridge, you can cut willows there.
Level 41-75 Keep cutting willows, but now with a rune hatchet. you can power chop if you want to gain levels faster.
Hatchets WC Level Cost to buy
Bronze 1 20GP
Iron 1 400GP
Steel 6 500GP
Black 6 2,000gp (2k)
Mithril 21 1,500gp (1.5k)
Adamant 31 3,000gp (3k)
Rune 41 20,000gp (20k)
Dragon 61 1.6m
If this guide didn't help at all then sorry. But I got my woodcutting level up high by doing this.
*If you want you can cut yews if you want at level 80. But its not easy to get yews, use a rune hatchet to get faster xp. thank you and good bye.

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