RuneScape F2p Ranging Guide
As many of you know, F2P ranging can be frustrating and very difficult to level. After a while it gets boring too. I’m writing this guide to help all you F2Pers who want to reach your ranging goals.
1-20 Range,
I would suggest cows in lumbridge cow pens from lvl 1-15, after that, go buy yourself an Oak Shortbow, Short bows are always better for XP because they shoot arrows far faster. Once you get to 15 range, train it up to 20, start safe ranging the Barbarians in Barbarian village. Then buy yourself some iron arrows (very cheap, only 12gp each) and a willow short bow.
20-40, after you get to 20 range, you have 2 options for training, you can continue barbarians, or you can go to the minotaurs in the stronghold of security, which drop iron arrows and skull right halves for skull scepters. Use iron arrows at this stage, and once you get 30 range, buy a maple short bow. At 40 range, if you can buy full green D’hide. If you haven’t done dragon slayer, buy a studded body, or a hard leather body. If your a pure, buy a regular leather body. And a green d’hide coif from Fist of Guthix if you can.
40-60, Go to the cockroach place just north of barbarian village. If you go downstairs, you can safe range the cockroach workers which are level 56, with O K drops. These are pretty good xp and will get you to 60 in no time. If you want training to be faster, buy better arrows.
60-70, i would suggest ranging lesser demons on karamja or Crandor. These are good experience at this level. Not much more to say on 60-70, you may want to bring food if your worried about taking damage. They drop rune items that you will want to pick up.
70+, go to the wilderness and range Greater Demons all the way to wherever your training.

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