Runescape Crafting Fast Training Guide

Usfine تاريخ: Oct/04/13 12:47:29 الآراء: 3520

Runescape Crafting Fast Training Guide

1, collect cowhide:

Crafting Fast Training Guide

Crafting Fast Training Guide

After you have enough cowhide, go to Al-Kharid to machining, tip: you d better finish quest “Prince Ali Rescue” which will save you 20gold for each Toll Gate across fee.

You can buy instrument at cyan place on the picture, recommend list:

Tiara Mould /100gp

Needle /1gp

Thread /4gp

Each thread can make 5 hide armor. Sell these armors on shop!

Level 1-7:

Make Leather Gloves, each Xp: 13.6 gp.

Make Leather Boots, Each Xp: 16.3gp

Level 9-11:

Make Leather Cowl, each Xp: 18.5gp

Level 18.5:

Make Leather Vambraces, each Xp: 22 gp

Level 14-18:

Make Leather Body, each Xp: 27

Level 18-23:

Make Leather Body or Leather Chaps, both give you same exp, choose the shop gives high price.

Level 23-28: 2 ways

1, Keep makingLeather Body or Leather Chaps;

2, make Tiara, view this picture:

Crafting Fast Training Guide

Red circle: it has silver, 5 silver in all,

Yellow circle: forge

Take a Tiara Mould and Pickaxe, get 27 Silver Ore to Al-Kharid, make them to silver bars, then make to Tiara, you can also buy Silver Ore/bar. Each xp: 52.5

Level 28-40:

1, Keep making Tiara;

2, Make Hard leather body, each gives 35 xp. (Now you can buy cowhide if you are impatient to pick up)

Level: 40-99:

First, buy a Brown Apron on Exchange grand, then go to Crafting Guild. Here have 3 ways:

1, take some money, Needle, Thread, Rune Scimitar(if you can wear it), Amulet of Strength, kill cow then go to upstairs make cowhide to hard leather, then make them to Hard Leather Body, and just drop.

2, take a pickaxe, a Jug, get 27 clay, use make them to soft clay by water of jug, (Soft ClayàUnfired BowlàBowl), and just drop.

3, take a pickaxe, get Silver Ore on, and then bank them at east bank of Falador. And take Tiara Mould there, after you have enough Silver Oreand a Tiara Mould, go to Al-Kharid to make them to Tiara.

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