Manager your own country in runescape

Usfine تاريخ: Oct/04/13 12:47:51 الآراء: 3614

Requirements: You should have finished Throne of Miscellania and Royal trouble.

Method: Talk with the advisor, and then put as much as money in the safe. You should ensure that your workers efficiency is 100%( if less, on their own to work on the island make up for efficiency). and then let them work for you, the following is a specific price:

coal 91.6/ea
flax 40/ea
herbs 826.4/ea( tarromin, there are notguam and marrentil)
tuna 56.3/ea
swordfish 189.4/ea
maple 56.1/ea

Of course, every day you can only spend up to 75K. If you take all the workers are flax, with the final sale price 80/ea, you can profit more than 100K (remember, you needn’t work.)

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