Making money with Smithing in runescape

Usfine تاريخ: Oct/04/13 12:47:46 الآراء: 3750

Making money with Smithing in runescape

1-30 :

Please refer to smithing rapid lvl up strategy.


You can buy or dig IronOre+2 times’ coal, and make it to steel bar, then sell it.


You can buy or dig Mithril Ore+4 times’ Coal and make it to Mithril Bar, then sell it. dont make it to Adamantite Bar, because no one will buy it. If Adamantite Bar can be sold out, then you can earn more money from make Adamantite Bar. 6 coal can make one Adamantite Ore.


You can buy or dig Runite Ore+8 times’ Coal and make it to Runite Bar, then sell it.

PS: This is very slow to raise the level.

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