How to place order via Western Union

Usfine تاريخ: Oct/04/13 13:00:52 الآراء: 3897

Many customers are not familiar with how to place order via western union payment method. I will introduce the process of it in the following:

First,open western union's url: ,you can get this page:

western union

Then you will get this page, it shows three payment method:


2:at a location

3:by phone

western union


You can choose your STATE and the country you are sending money to, you should choose :Money in Minutes in the following.

western union

There are two choices below, choose new customer or old customer, then click “ continue”

western union

Then you can fill register information. After you finish that, click CONTINUE for next step.

western union

After you register, you can send money to others.

Click CONTINUE to enter the next page, you will find Receiver-->services-->payment-->review-->receipt

Just do as it required, you can finish the process easily.

western union

2:at a location

You meed to go to a bank and send money, the following picture shows the details.

western union

3:by phone

The following picture shows the details.

western union

You can choose any method you like. I hope this tutor can help you.

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