How to Make the Skull Scepter in Runescape

Usfine تاريخ: Oct/04/13 12:47:04 الآراء: 3873
What Is The Skull Scepter?
Is a sceptre formed from two skull halves and two staff halves. It has the power to teleport the user to the Barbarian Village. The bad thing about the sceptre is that you can teleport only 5 times. You can't have more than one complete sceptre at a time, but you can have many pieces of the sceptre you want.

Why Should I Have One?
Everybody wants this sceptre. You can't buy and sell the sceptre or its pieces, you need to find them. This sceptre is very cool and beautifull, and it can teleport you to Barbarian Village 5 times. If you have a high combat level, you should get as many pieces as you can, to use the teleport a lot of times.

Ok, I Like It, But... How Do I Get It?
Now, I hope your combat level is not to low. Wear the better armour you can, bring some food (tuna or better), and (if you want) some strength potions. Now lets start. First, go to the Barbarian Village, with your armor wielded, your food, and go down the entrance. This is the Stronghold of security. You need to have a security question and a bank PIN to enter some levels. When you enter the stronghold, pass the gates, answering the questions, untill you find Minotaurs(level 12). Kill them, untill one of them drop a half of the skull. When you get the half, continue to the end of the level. Get the prize and go down. Now you need to pass the gates again untill you find a Flesh Crawler(level 28) Kill it, untill it drop one of the staff halves. Now continue passing the gates, answering the questions, and when you find the end, get your prize, and go down. Now, continue passig the gates to find some Catablepons(level 49). Now kill them untill you get the other staff half(it can be very slow). Beware the spiders, they are annoying. Now continue, and get your prize again, and go down. Now, pass the gates, carefull with the monsters. Find a boney ghost. It is the Ankou(level 82). I hope you have a lot of food with you. Fight it if you think you can, and try to get the other half of the skull. When you get it, use the halves of the skull in each other to form a Strange Skull. Do the same with the halves of the staff, to get a Runed Sceptre. Now use the Runed Sceptre in the Strange Skull to get a Skull Sceptre!!! Congratulations! You have the Skull Sceptre! To teleport, just "operate" it!

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