History of the RuneScape Christmas Cracker
Hi , today i will be talking about the more expensive run escape item , you guess it I'm talking about the Christmas cracker(currently cost 688,000,000).So first i will be talking about his history , in 2001 for Christmas jag ex decided to make his first event so they were dropping Christmas cracker all over run escape.
People that would opened the cracker would get a party hat and coin or some runes,to opened the cracker, you must use it on another player and you would get a party hat and the other would get a Little value item.
When the cracker were drop the original colour was red and they change into white after a while , not Lot of cracker are left on the game due to the fact that people opened them for fun or got banned or loose them , that is the reason why they are so expensive.
And last I'm gonna tell you a funny fact of a reason why cracker is rare because when you do examine on it, it says "i need to pull this" so lot of people tough they need to pull the item in urgency.

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