First start the quest,you can see snow in the following 3 places: North of Lumbridge,North of Rimmington,North of Falador

Find head now imp

chat with him, he will give you a ice amulet.

wear the necklace and right-click to ‘Operate’ it,There will be a lovely snow imp near you,,you’ll be able to click on your imp to check whether you’re getting hotter or colder - follow the imp’s directions,just believe him, till you find jack frost, and then talk with him.

Then use ice amulet to jack frost, you will see a period of flash, at the end, you will see a Santa Claus, talk with him, then you finished the quest.

At last, you may get a santa suit comprising:

  • Santa costume top
  • Santa costume legs
  • Santa costume gloves
  • Santa costume boots