Guess Riddles to Win Free Game Gold is Back Again!!!!
Guess Riddles to Win Free Game Gold is Back Again!!!!
Hey all, our last “Guess Riddlers to Win Free Game Gold” was launched in the beginning of July, 2012. As we promised before that we would bring this activity back again soon. So here we are Now.
From Sep 19 to Sep 25, 2012. We will post a Riddle on Usfine FaceBook Page everyday!
You just need to visit our FaceBook Page. If you are not the fan of us, please kindly click Like Button on the top. And then find the Riddle Post of the same day, write your answer under the post.
We will pick 5 persons who have given the correct answer as the lucky winners and reward them RS Gold/Diablo 3 Gold/MS Mesos/GW2 Gold. We will tell you the exact amount once you have won!
Click Here to Visit our Facebook and Answer the Riddles!
We wish you the best luck!